November 2016 - Just received more photos from Rosemary which brings the site up to date for the past many years. Site has now been online for 16 years.
November 18, 2006 - Just picked up 3 more photos from Rosemary this weekend during a visit with her. All were B/W from stage performance
May 22, 2006 - Once again received a package from Rosemary! It contained 2 new photos. One for Peter Pan and one for Notorious Woman. I also found a photo from Chisholms. Rosemary was no stranger to flying by wire for Spiderman2 since she did Peter Pan and enjoyed flying by wire in 1959. I also updated the Jennifer Ehle link having just found out that the site was moved. Nobody told me!! This site is now going on six years.April 1, 2005- Just received a package from Rosemary! It contained 10 new photos of her with some of her leading men. These B/W photos were added to the Images page in date order. Also, 3 new articles and new photos added to the Articles page. Visits to the site now over 10,000
July 21 - Added photo from All Over at the Gramercy Theatre. And a new Rosemary link to the link page.
Aug 16, 2004 Jim sent several more photos of Quiet Weekend 1947, and I pulled out enlargments of Rosemary.
June 9, 2004 Jim, a school mate of Rosemary, has sent a bill board fo a show in 1947, featuring Rosemary and himself. Like I said above, its the readers that help make this fun with new treasures like this one. Jim says there is more on the way. Thanks.
April 2, 2004 Been a long time since an update, but I just captured an image from a Spiderman2 preview and added it to the photo page. Movie due out in a few weeks.
December 28, 2003- Added two new links to sites that feature Rosemary. One has great details on her stage performqances. Both sites can be used to look up other performers.
Sept 1, 2003- Added four new photos, The Seven Year Itch, School for Scandal, Plaza Suite and A Month in the Country. Thanks for finding these and sending them in.
Jan 8, 2003- Added two new photos from Kennedy Center Honors, presented on TV, December 27th to Images Page 2.
Dec 18 - Added two new photos from Spiderman movie to Images page
Nov 23 - Added a Guest Book link so readers could post messages to Rosemary. This is a narrated link, so entries do not show up until I forward them to the site.
Nov 16 - Added picture of meeting with Rosemary Harris to the What's New page. Rosemary is delighted with the website and plans to send more items to add to the photo section,
Sept 1 - Updated the IMDb listing in Performances. Added second All Over performance to the additional listing. I am considering a Guest Book listing so readers can enter notes to Rosemary. She does visit the site from time to time and could read the entries. Guest book would be narrated format. Now up to 37 performances represented.
Aug 17 - Just received a package from Rosemary! It contained 7 new 8x10 glossy photos of her with some of her leading men. These B/W photos were added to the Images page in date order. Delighted to have these new photos of which 2 were performances not yet covered.
July 21 - Added photo from All Over at the Gramercy Theatre. And a new Rosemary link to the link page.
May 1 - Added second Spider-Man photo from promo clip. Spider Man is about to release in 3 days. March 12, 02 - Added Spider-Man photo from promo clip.
February 14, 02 - Added All Over photo, from McCarter Theatre. A reader provided the link to get this photo, thanks. September 22 - Added two images from The Gift.
July 7 - Received two magazine articles and posted 10 new photos of Rosemary during her early stage years presented on Photopage1 and 2. Many dates unknown at this time. Please email if you know the dates. Electrostatic copies are not the best material, but the scanner software did a great job of copying the images. We now have 31 performances presented in photos.
Apr 1 - Trying a guestbook for a while. Transferred a few email comments into the book to get things started. I did get a reply from a New Zealand viewer. If Rosemary should visit the site, your comments will be available for her to read, should she choose to.
Mar 20 - Ajusted content of Images Page 2. Added two performances to first Images Page. That's 24 performances covered now. Mar 7 - Added three new films. Uncle Vanya 1963, Heartbreak House 1986, and Strange Interlude 1987 to the Images page 1. Thanks Karen for submitting these.
Feb 27- Added Holocaust 1978 video stills. Three new titles are on the way and will be added soon.
Feb 9- Added new entry to Performances under Television, I Killed the Count.
Feb 5 - Just heard from Rosemary. Rosemary provided identification of the black & white photos, so lables were added to these photos. Rosemary said she loved the site and appreciated all the work, and your contributions, on her behalf. J
an 23- Added video stills from The Ploughman's Lunch 1983. Thanks Kate for providing the video.
Jan 18 - Added image from Camomile Lawn, moved Tony images to Photopage2, and updated the Performances list which was 3 performances behind. She is still a busy lady and just received a Golden Satellite Award for best support actress.
Jan 12 - Added images from the Tales of Hollywood 1988, "The Old Reliable" to Images, Page 1. I would like to replace these photos with stills from a better tape if anyone can provide a better copy.
Jan 8, 2001 - Added "The Gift" press release to Performance List Dec 31 - Redesigned Image page to include a second page, Image Page 2. Page 1 focuses on performances and Page 2 on miscellaneous photos. Added SpiderMan press release to Performance List. Happy New Year to you all.
Nov 4 - Added another Rosemary Images page - Page 2, access it from the Images page. Contains a photo from Broadway Beat sent in by Donna, thanks Donna. Added Meta Tag code to allow site to be found by search engines. Submitted to 3 search sites.
Nov 1 - Redesigned the Home page to match the same format as the Rosemary page.
Oct 29 - Added a Link to Other Sites to the bottom of the home page. This new page lists links suggested by readers for where to find Rosemary videos and other articles. Oct 28 - Added 3 photos from the 1996 Tony Awards. Rosemary was nominated for best actress in A Delicate Balance.
Oct 26 - Added 7 new photos from "To the Lighthouse"(1983) from a tape provided by Kimiko. I just ordered the Hitchcock series, so we should have a few new frames by Christmas (six weeks delivery?).
Oct 13 - Site went down on the 12th. Determined that the problem was a change in naming convention. Corrected files and we appear to be back up, never a dull moment in the cyber world.
Oct 6 - Added "The Royal Family" 1977 along with 4 B/W portraits of Rosemary from photos decorating the walls of the stage. Thanks Kate for the photos.
Oct 2 - Added "Hamlet" 1996 and "Searching for Richard" 1996 photos Sept 25 - Added 4 photos from "Boys from Brazil". Sept 19 - Added 3 more "Beau Brummell" photos to images.
Sept 16 PM - Added photos from "Beau Brummell" 1954. At last, we have pictures of the "prettiest girl on Broadway" according to one reporter.
Sept 15 - Added photos from "Tom & Viv", and "Crossing Delancey" videos. Uploaded first live pages.
Sept 14, 2000 - Receive extensive listing of stage performances. Sept 11 - IMDb performance listing added. Sept 10 - First test pages loaded to internet.
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